Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pre P90X like at least 85% of America...I have decided that I needed to "get fit" in 2011. I'm sure like so many others...I have claimed that 2011 "WILL BE MY YEAR"! Which is kind of funny because I claim every year will be my year in January however, by the time December is here I'm wishing the year was over. I actually can not complain about was one of the most AMAZING years that I have ever had. And not that blissful-amazing that you probably would think of as you would if one was to get married or have a baby...but amazing as in I have gone through every possible emotion that one could go through from good to bad/happy to sad. I experienced a life event that I never thought that I would be able to have and for that I know I am truly blessed.

So back to the task at hand....I have been feeling...some kind of way about my weight gain. Part of me thinks whatever..."I'm too tired to work out"...and part of me (the true inner me) is like "O.M.G!!!! I've gained weight! How & when did this happen?! I'm signing up for a membership TODAY!!!!". Usually at the end of the year I am working extra hours and I tend to not eat as I normally would or should. So right now, I am experiencing muffin top...more like a pound cake top if we had to really compare to something. I buy clothes that are larger than what I already own in my closet. I can't help it, my birthday, the holidays, the alcohol...the FOOD. OHHHHHH, the food. Food is one of my favorite things in life. So much so that I can't go a day without it (yahoo giggle)...especially holiday food. Holiday food is like no other. Something about the gravy, the stuffing, the rice (we're foreigners and have rice at every meal-no judgement), the chicken, the pot roast (that I cooked with redskin potatoes, carrots & onions very pleased with myself), the greens, the cakes, the pies, the whip cream! The red velvet cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory!!!! LAWD! No wonder I'm in the shape that I'm in right now. I mean who wouldn't be?

So...I decided with a lot of thought and research.....P90X will be the fitness routine that I will try out to get into shape. I mean I don't want to be fat forever. So after watching my sister do the workouts, seeing her sweat and reading reviews, watching infommericals and reading "real customer testimony", I have purchased the P90X weight loss system.

I was so pleased to see the package waiting for me. I opened it immediately, ready to scan every item inside and decide if I was ready to start that very moment or wait and start on a "good day".

Needless to say, my roommate came home & we decided to go to Sakura's and said later for the contents inside the P90X box. Sakura is a special place to some but to my roommate & I, it's our fat place! We tried to find a real reason to go...but last night we couldn't come up with one so we decided to celebrate WEDNESDAY! It was worth it.

We did browse through the two books: P90X Extreme Home Fitness, which pretty much breaks down each routine and what items we should be using and the Nutrition Plan, which consists of recipes and meals that you should be eating while working out. Did I tell you before that I L-O-V-E food. With that said I love to eat...I mean it has to be food that tastes good and I was a little nervous about the recipes in this book. You know how some diets go...brown rice, baked chicken with lemon-pepper & a veggie. So...cardboard like. But not this book...I mean really. Reading the ingredients I was really excited about making the dishes. I mean who wouldn't want to have a 6oz. chicken breast with Honey-Chile sauce or a 6oz swordfish with Mango-Ginger sauce or shrimp stir-fry. Or Steak and Arugula salad, (I still have to find out what Arugula is) whatever, I like saying that word. I don't hear it too often so I want to say it as much as I can...Arugula.

What I am a little nervous about is the Protein powder...I'm like do I have to consume that? And how? In something, sprinkled on something? I haven't read that deep into it so when I know, I will write about it. Like I said this is all new to me. And I want to give it 100% because I want to be successful at it.

I'm so excited about making their dishes. And it came with a calendar/chart/some sort of graph that I haven't really looked over but I'm sure it will be used to track something...our progress, our meals, etc. We've decided that we will finish out January being the foodies that we are and start our extreme work out plan February 1. And we are super excited! We will get our little lunch boxes and measuring cups and start planning our meals and encouraging each other. I plan to blog about our days because 1) I want to be able to look back and recall what I was feeling, 2) I want to have a reason to finish something that I start (what better way than to put it out there for all to read and give me an additional purpose to finish something) and 3) someone may be struggling with a meal/work out plan and want to do a little research and here's my blog. In no way am I endorsing P90X...this is just my experience whether it be good or bad, take from it what you will.

Until we meet again or until I am ready to post before day 1...wish me the best!

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